Privacy and Data Protection
We reserve the right to take photographs and/or videos at any of our events and to use these images in any appropriate manner for publicity purposes including posting on social media channels. These images may include images of members of our audiences including children and young people. If for any reason you cannot be filmed, please advise a member of staff at the earliest opportunity.
When you give us your email as part of the Skiddle eTicketing System or on comment cards we will place your details on our mailing list. The mailing list will only be used to inform you of the great comedy we have in and around the North West as well as local productions by Big Comedy UK. Every mailing will have a link to unsubscribe should you not wish to receive this information. We will never give or sell your email address to anyone else. Once your email address has been entered onto our mailing list any other record, manual or electronic, will be destroyed. The electronic mailing list is password protected and secured by WIX.COM and is subject to their privacy policy.
We will never use your contact details received on electronic contact forms for anything other than to communicate with you about your enquiry. Once any business involving the use of your contact data has been concluded your personal information will be destroyed in an appropriate and secure manner.
We will never give or sell your details to anyone else unless required to by law.
The Big Comedy UK web site is managed by Big Comedy UK. Big Comedy UK does not place cookies on your computer. Anonymised data are automatically collected for site performance purposes and website usage analysis.
If you follow any links to external sites via this website the external owners of the linked sites may collect personal data and use cookies. This is outside of the control of Big Comedy UK and it remains your responsibility to ensure you are happy with any permissions granted to third parties.